Saturday, April 12, 2008

gee, i hate to seem ungrateful, bho bro, but...

when barack hussein obama said what he really meant when he let slip this little gem at one of his elite aristocratic patrons' little west coast moneyfest dinner parties, here's what he said he really really meant:

"Government that is fighting for working people day in and day out making sure that we are trying to allow them to live out the American dream."

first of all, you're not my government, you condescending empty shill of a hypocrite, you're a shiny tool for those who would be...and neither you nor they will ever have any say in "allowing" me to do a damn thing; my US Constitutional Rights provide for how i can live out my American dream, and also how to defeat and dispose of those who would try to hijack and control those rights, so, if you will "allow" me...kiss my everlovin' big fat porch sittin' gun totin' God fearin'ass...


  1. Actally just for your information i am an evolutionary biology major. And yes my english abilities may be lacking but everyone in this country is allowed their own opinion (unfourtanetly in some peoples cases)...and if your such a "god fearing" person maybe you should take those so called teachings to thy neighbor sound familiar or is that something that you could never imagine an american atheist supporting a christian presidential candidate to say?? And i guess its hard for people like you to take in a little thing called meaning...

  2. "unfourtanetly" you are an imbecile whose biology has not evolved quite enough, george...God help us if you are representative of a numerical majority who could decide the presidency of the, jtc


don't be a dick...or a pussy.