Saturday, August 31, 2019

OMG We're All Gonna Die!

Daughters taking off on the Hurricane Hype...

                                     This from the older girl, always the more...un-PC one.

And this from the younger, kinder, gentler one...but with killer humor; how funny is that?

Best Frog Cartoon Ever...

Wifey and I loved this so much because it seemed made just for's from 1983 and it sure looks like B.C. or ID but we whacked off the name when we put it on the fridge where it has remained for all these years...important to know wifey's name is Frances (Fran).

Old bullfrog was so proud with his chest out and a nice confident smile...until wifefrog brings him back to earth (or lily pad) with the hard truth. Just love it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Officially an old fart...

Well, turned the big 65 today and officially fit in now with all the old farts here in the retirement mecca of Sebring FL. Ever since we came up here from Palm Beach County back in '82 so that the daughters who were entering middle school could have a little more of a small-town atmosphere instead of the big city where things were already a little rougher by that stage of schooling, I've been telling my wife for all these years that when they're through school we would move on to a place more to our liking and where most of the residents weren't in their 7th 8th or 9th decades...

But those girls are now 45 and 47 and here we still firmly fitting into the Q-Tip profile. Man, life happens before you know it. But it could be worse, we are comfortable and the three kids (added a son back in the 80's) and grandkids are all within a couple of hours.

Guess I'll go out on the highway and drive 40 in the fast lane with my right blinker on for a while. 

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nice little pre-65th birthday present!

A visit today from my favorite political cartoonist...three or so hours of good conversation, laughs, and lunch. Even though the deadbeat bailed on the bill (inside joke) I enjoyed it immensely. Wifey and son's old dachshund Ozzy liked him too, and that's good enough for me.

Thank you, Chris Muir of Day by Day.

Friday, August 2, 2019

My Baby is a PILOT!!!

My sweet grand girl got her private pilot license today...from her Amelia Earhart costume at age two to just after the examiner passed her oral and check flight exams today at age seventeen in the blink of any eye, this gorgeous young woman is about as perfect in body and soul as a person can be...What is it they say? No brag, just fact.

How proud can a Papa be? Way beyond what my words can say, but I'll try. Not just because of her dedication to achieving this and the concentration and effort that she put into this amazing accomplishment for the past two years, but for the love, compassion, empathy, and selflessness that she has exhibited her entire life. Always excelling in school, dance, drama, and music (she sits down at the piano after hearing a piece and plays it through beautifully the first time), she amazes even more in her pure heart and her love for God and family.

This incredible girl will be a senior in high school starting in a few weeks and will be dual-enrolled for the second year in addition to all of the above, so she will graduate next May with her HS degree and an AA degree in business, to be followed by a full BA in that discipline and full time training at Christian-focused Southeastern University in their Commercial Pilot program at nearby Lakeland Linder Airport. That's right, she will be in the left cockpit seat of the big jets in one more blink of my eye.

Thank God for giving me, her Nana, and her incredibly devoted Mama (fourth grade teacher at their Oldsmar Christian School for many years, touching so many childrens' lives) this gift straight from Him.

Forever and ever, Amen.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Happy Happy Birthday Baby!!!

My girl turns 65 today, took her to this goofy animal pic, dinner, and coldstone creamery friday and she loved it, 'cause that's the kind of girl she is. I know I'm a lucky guy, but even though I won't be 65 for another two months she looks 45 and I look 85...go figure.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Mama's gone. But not really.

What is love? Total, complete, and selfless sacrifice.
God sacrificed his Son for us and taught us that lesson.
I and my four siblings are so fortunate to have had parents who knew it and lived it and passed that love on so we could live it ourselves and pass it on to our own children. They were not perfect like the Father, but I can say this; there was never a moment in my life that I doubted that they would sacrifice their own life to save mine without a second thought or hesitation; that to me is perfect love. I too am far from perfect but if I have instilled that same perfect love and knowledge in my children then I can say I too was a success as a person and a parent and that God will welcome me Home when the time comes.
The time came for my Mom who died this morning. She was 86, ill and in a nursing home since a fall two years ago. She was ready to go and knew the legacy she left as we all were able to tell her that she gave it to us and left us with that perfect love to pass along.

She lives on, in my heart and with God, until we meet again.