What is love? Total, complete, and selfless sacrifice.
God sacrificed his Son for us and taught us that lesson.
I and my four siblings are so fortunate to have had parents who knew it and lived it and passed that love on so we could live it ourselves and pass it on to our own children. They were not perfect like the Father, but I can say this; there was never a moment in my life that I doubted that they would sacrifice their own life to save mine without a second thought or hesitation; that to me is perfect love. I too am far from perfect but if I have instilled that same perfect love and knowledge in my children then I can say I too was a success as a person and a parent and that God will welcome me Home when the time comes.
The time came for my Mom who died this morning. She was 86, ill and in a nursing home since a fall two years ago. She was ready to go and knew the legacy she left as we all were able to tell her that she gave it to us and left us with that perfect love to pass along.
She lives on, in my heart and with God, until we meet again.
She lives on, in my heart and with God, until we meet again.