he's always had a thing for ladies older than he, and with his conservative views and visceral disdain for bo, when he listened (and watched) that speech the other night, he was hooked.
so when i showed him (via tam) sharp as a marble's umm...art, he was on cafe press making his order.

and this, which went on my new truck that he is borrowing for the weekend; he better enjoy it because i don't think my little georgia girl is going to let that stay on the truck that i'm driving around.
you know, what's funny is that i get the impression that palin would get (while probably rolling her eyes) the off-color humor and take it as the compliment that he intends.
Sheer ignorance, I had to go look up MILF to find out what everyone meant. I am so out of it, and I think highly of the Governor, but I wouldn't label her that way, nor think like that. Sad state of culture, measuring by sex appeal and uncontrolled desires.
nope, earl, you wouldn't label her that way and neither would i, in fact if not for a twentysomething in the house, i might have had to look it up too; not ignorance so much as innocence i think.
the generational thing changes the intent and meaning of words and labels just as their use of profanity in the normal course of conversation; not what we would choose, but also not our choice to make...the comments he got when he went out last night with the t-shirt on was along the lines of ooo, i want one! and this from male and female alike in the 20-40 age range.
my son eric, along with robb at sharp as a marble and most of those that commented see it as less of a vulgarity and more of a coded offcolor compliment...and as i said, i think that's the way the gov would take it, as i see where she has quite the potty mouth herself.
i guess we're just old...funny, though, i remember my parents generation thinking we children of the sixties were a lost cause too...times they do change (apologies to dylan).
I think I was telling my mother last night that the world wasn't the way she wanted it, nor the way I wanted it, but I am going to do it all the best that I can. I was once young and stupid and foolish, I think I got smarter and kinder somewhere along the line, the foolish still remains but I can laugh at that. I really always have great hope for the future of our young, since my generation didn't do all it could when it had the energy.
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