i'm a pretty conservative guy, but still a child of the sixties, and high octane rock still resounds through my soul; haven't heard much new stuff that shakes me up lately, but a while back as i channel surfed the idiot box i came across the grammy awards just as they were introducing amy winehouse...i had heard of her and her bad behavior but wrote her off as just another in a long line of lowtone wannabe celebs;
then they went to her live from london performance (her behavior precluded travelling here), holy shit, this is probably the best blend of rock, blues, and soul that i've heard in thirty years...even if you've heard it before, this youtube blurb of her 2-song grammy set is worth another listen (her backup boys and band is amazing, too...that sax!) copy and paste this link:
addendum: you might want to hurry if you're gonna see this girl; she seems bent on self destruction through heroin, crack, and who knows what else...sad that some of the best talent is often the most self-destructive...must be a link there somewhere.
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